Time Out

Taking time to rest, read, reflect this month. Working on my physical and mental health. Trying to find what is right rather than focusing on what isn’t. It’s vital, because something broke inside a while back. Too tired lately to think, let alone write. Even went dry for January, just to prove I can. Gave the liver a break and the soul a readjustment.

The murder of two Brothers, Shawn Yim of Seattle and Leroy Ramos of Decatur, Georgia decimated my safety threshold. Operator Yim’s violent end came just as I began writing an article on transit violence. My grief may seem false considering I never met either man. Yet it is real. We do the same work. Each of us constantly encounter potentially dangerous situations when dealing with an unpredictable public. I am grateful to pull into my driveway each night.

My interaction with passengers has been subdued lately. Very infrequent chats and less friendly than normal. Still, a few kind souls have drawn me out of this hardening shell. Seems some fraction of of humanity refuses me the isolation I seek, urging me to resume being myself. My granddaughter recharges my batteries though, along with my Beloved. It’s just taking longer than usual, but I am healing, again.

I am tired. Constantly. Doc says besides a few glitches I’m medically fine. It’s deeper than any pill or treatment can resolve. Finding the humor within once again will signal my restoration.

Stay tuned. I hope my next post will inspire laughter and fun.

Love, Deke

Down came Portland’s tree,
and with it a part of me.


  1. The article was heartfelt. Thanks, for sharing.

  2. Take care of yourself Patrick, it won't say wonderful Bus driver on your tombstone! It will say loving husband and father❤...so live that! God Bless you.

  3. With the scary incident of the driver in NW involving shots fired I`m glad that I never became a transit operator. Things have changed dramatically over the last 45 years with dealing any public services. I feel for anyone working with the public. If & when you can Patrick consider early retirement. Your life is to important for your family to have constant stress & worry.


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