Deke's Note: As promised, here is the first of hopefully several Q&A sessions with the candidates for election as Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757's President and Vice President in the upcoming election. Each was given a list of five identical questions as an opportunity to discuss our local with its voting members.
My first guest on this blog is Adam Slater, a candidate for ATU757 Vice President.
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Adam Slater |
First off thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read this and who are actively asking questions and wanting to learn about each candidate and what they have to offer. I am a father to 6 beautiful children, 5 boys ages 16,14,12,11,2 and 1 girl who is 5. If you have ever called me, I make time to talk with you, but you’ll probably hear them in the background. I have worked in Transit for 5 years. I have been an ExtraBoard Operator at TriMet for 5 years. I have been the ATU757 ExtraBoard Liaison Representative for the last 3 years. Prior to making my final home in Transit, I have spent the last 18 years as a first responder. I have dedicated my life to my family, community and to those I have served with side by side; even some of you reading this. I have committed my life to learning as much as I can and becoming the best employee, coworker and human that I can be. I spend as much time as I can sharing my knowledge and skills with others to make our quality of life and work life balanced as much as possible, given the conditions we are all exposed to day to day. I look forward to continuing what I’ve started and working hard to represent you at the highest level possible.
2) What are your unique skills and experience which make you a logical choice for the office you are seeking?
I understand that running for a position like Vice President requires skills beyond a level of wanting to make a difference and longevity. It requires professionalism, expert knowledge of every member’s jobs. Expert knowledge of contract language, state and federal laws as well as how to diplomatically navigate difficult negotiations with contracts, discipline and development of policies and procedures. Professional communication and public speaking, the ability to network diplomatically without sacrificing integrity, transparency and strength when the difficult decisions need to be made. I will continue to utilize my decades of experience and advanced knowledge and skills to represent each member at the highest level. The logical choice is to help me continue what I’ve started and push this position to a next level.
3) In these post-Janus times when union-eligible workers can "opt out" of their union, how do you plan to retain them and grow our membership?
I plan on talking with every member that has opted-out. They have done so for a reason, and that is just as important as those reasons members who opt-in. I will address any issues they share with me in attempt to resolve these issues. I will also continue to represent my position to the highest level as I have done over the last 3 years, so that members are proud of the work we are doing for them and feel that their dues are being used responsibly and ethically; and are using those dues to make a positive difference in the quality of life of every member.
As a Vice President I need to be accountable for every cent of the memberships Dues. I have spent countless hours over the last 3 years giving my time to every member that crosses my path. I am also proudly known to have these difficult discussions with members who are considering Opting-out, usually resulting in the member continuing to pay dues. I have also been able to address issues that have earned trust and support from members resulting in them re-joining.
4) Is management adequately addressing our safety? What do you think can be done to provide a safer work environment?
This is a challenging and lengthy answer. The short answer is NO. Our safety is NOT being adequately addressed. Have there been and are there still improvements and efforts being made to improve the safety of our positions and the system in general? Sure. Do I have all the answers on how to fix it? No, no-one does. Some of the issues we face are just unsolvable issues. But more can always be done.
Since my time at TriMet, I have always done my part to make our jobs safer. When I started as an operator many members relied on me to mentor them in decision making during difficult and often dangerous situations and how to process and cope with how these events made them feel afterword’s. Once I became a Rep, I not only continued to mentor members, but I worked hard to involve myself in positions or projects that would give me more of a voice in addressing safety concerns. I joined and then helped restructure the safety committee. I have brought every known issue’s that members have brought to me to this committee and have followed through with holding the District accountable for keeping us all safe.
I helped start and developed the Operator Mentor Program that assigns brand new operators an experienced mentor to assist them in working through the difficult times all Operators experience, as well as how that effects them personally. I have worked hard in these committees to promote a less toxic, and more productive and safer environment. I have also listed when the members I represent present safety concerns that are seemingly going ignored.
After numerous attempts to resolve a major and dangerous issue with the 2900 series buses, I worked hard investigating and preparing a case that could not be ignored. I submitted a safety intervention at the director level and was able to negotiate a quick resolution that addressed this issue. Though it did take some time for these buses to be taken out of service, there were changes put in place to improve safety while these processes ran their course.
I will continue to use my expert knowledge to hold our Districts accountable and make improvements to safety and how to address issues with our members. I will continue to push for even bigger changes at higher levels until our concerns are addressed.
5) Please share your added opinions on a topic which has not been covered in my previous questions.
Q) I would like to ask a question as a member that I would ask anyone running for this position. What have you learned about yourself since May 13th?
A) I have learned that no matter how much you plan and prepare, there will always be unexpected obstacles that will challenge you to your core. I learned that if you hold on to your values and stay the course, you can overcome any challenges that come your way. Lastly, I’ve learned that sometimes the way to achieving your goals will lead you through rough waters, only because those that appose you can not swim. I look forward to working for all of you as your VP.
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