I constantly scan this blog's readership for international readers. Upon occasion, I hear from someone thousands of miles distant from my location in Portland, Oregon. Still, I see "hits" from all over this blue marble we call home. Who are you in Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France and other locales?

If you're simply someone who reads this blog by accident, I still hope to hear from you. Why are you drawn to my words here? I realize today's internet allows for "hits" by those who happen upon my blog by accident, from hidden outposts which require secrecy to avoid scrutiny from governments which forbid "outside" influences. Still, I wish you would reach out to me. Are you really from another country, or has your computer simply reached this domain through a string of numerous bounces upon the worldwide web's numerous outposts?

It would do this writer's soul great justice to know that when I see stats from across the world that you actually read my words. I chased off somebody who thought it "fun" to assail my blog with an influx of bot-inspired hits a few months ago, which falsely-inflated the blog's stats with numbers that were truly a writer's dream rather than reality.

Now, I implore you all to speak up. Write me at deaconinblue@gmail.com and tell me your truth to transit. While I have only traveled across the Atlantic once in this lifetime to visit Scotland and Ireland, I dream of someday finding myself standing upon the lands of other countries.

Thanks for reading, now let me know where you lurk "in the shadows".



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