If I fail to survive all the way to my coveted 90th birthday in 2050, I also hope to have attended my Class of 1978's 70th Reunion in 2048. We may be doddling along in walkers and wheelchairs by then, but knowing my classmates, at least Doris, Guy, Iris, Roger, Pat, Joe, Hans, Marilyn, John and his twin Mark, along with Mark F. and others will still be there.
Today, I only feel weary for what we're going through. This virus has yet to be defeated, but now we're seeing many of our populace defying scientific knowledge and a collective desire to return to "life as normal". It's a weariness we cannot sustain through defiance of the virus's sneaky desire to kill as many of us as possible. Without a vaccine, we're all vulnerable, but a political faction has seen fit to "fight the status quo". I'm sorry brothers and sisters, but frustration alone cannot defeat a tiny bastard we cannot even see. It will take MUCH more vigilance than we're willing to muster to defeat it. Your blustering hasn't a chance, so please just do whatever it takes to STAY HOME to stop COVID-19's spread.
At this time, our politics has us only accepting the "news" our beliefs allow, while health professionals worldwide spread a different, more-knowledgeable message. We cannot allow politics to continue dividing US, or we are truly doomed to become additional victims of this disease. It's not a virus that picks one political party over another; it is oblivious to OUR differences. It will kill you and your politically-divided neighbor as easily as it will take me, one who cares NOT what your previous vote dictates. It is an equal-opportunity killer, and until we band together to defeat it, we are ALL susceptible to its fatality.

At this point, I don't care WHO you vote for this November. All I care about is that YOU remain safe, along with your beloved family members and friends. We are all drawn together to fight an invisible assassin, so I hope you join me in taking every possible step WE can to defeat COVID-19's spread.
My greatest dreams right now, apart from us ALL making it through this China-inspired nightmare, are to hug my new friend and fellow-author Tommy and his beloved Michele in Vancouver, BC; to see my and share a hug with my friend and another fellow-author Billy Alsheimer as he enjoys his TV series success, and to finally meet my many newfound friends who read this blog. May we all share a victory hug once COVID-19 has breathed its last threat upon us, that we may move forward in our collective goals to make transit GREAT again in the minds of US as well as those of our passengers and eventually management's as well. I'm a whisky-glass-half-full kinda guy, and that's my ultimate vision!
May peace and safety reign supreme within all who read this message. My prayers are for your safe passage through this pandemic. Once it's over, then we can resume our political discourse. Until then, please join me in wishing the best for everyone.
With love, I am
As a fellow Oregon Transit driver, noted the seating spacing in the inside bus picture - looks like a couple seats open in back row. In any coach with rear HVAC intake, block seating completely in that row, as anyone even breathing in that row will share with the entire coach! Gillig low floor driver vent to left above is shared on the same system. Close it. 10-30 seconds from the back row to you on low speed fan.
ReplyDeleteFor proof - take 1-3 pieces of paper with the system running on low and you will find that as the paper passes the rear stations of the side facing seats it pulls it right towards the system intake. It will give you the chills.
It's something I learned also with "flavored" individuals or those "sneaking" a bite of food. I've caught them even before the first bite!
It's huge even in comparison to the time spent with front loading as that is only moments in proximity in comparison to the extended period of time they may be "sharing" with the driver and other passengers, COVID or some other bug.
I'm not a fan of rear only loading as it is fraught with problems of all other types. Much easier to edit before entry than to remove a passenger/problem that is boarded.
Thank you Deke.