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My friend. Son of a bus operator, former bus operator, YOUR fellow transit worker in Rhode Island. BROTHER. WRITER. My own, and yours. |
Not since Jackie Gleason has there been a television show about transit workers. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was one now? So many of our issues are not reported by the media, our pleas not heard by the masses we serve. It's about damned time we are heard. Well, my friend Billy, who wrote and published a book (buy it, it's a FUN read!) long before mine was even a dream, has come up with a wonderful concept for a series dealing with all we do within the scope of our jobs. It's about time somebody did, and Billy has.
How many of you are down with supporting him? Would hundreds of you pledge $100 each to see his dream come true? Hey, I just told him I will (and so I promise) give him at least that much. Please join me... it's an endeavor we will all benefit from, given our collective struggles not given enough of a damn by the majority we serve.
Imagine a television series, interspersed with humor and goodwill, which elevates the transit worker (and consequently other union fellows' positions) from today's dredges of society to the TOP where WE all belong? The time is now, given the sludge we scroll past in search of something worthy of watching today. It's my dream as well, only because he has diligently pushed hard to see his dream come true, and I promise to help write the episodes we all live every day we serve our collective communities. If, of course, he wants me to.
"You are never given a wish, without also being given the power to make it come true." -- Richard Bach
This is my brother's dream. OUR brother's dream. And it's meant to elevate YOU, us. As one. If you share the need to elevate transit from the doldrums of Corporata's desire to push us down, then I urge you to follow me in my quest to help our brother help us RISE. It could be funny, inspiring and insightful. All he needs is a tiny push... funding to get the pilot in the face of the corporate fucks who drive today's viewing pleasure.
Can you dig it? I do. If you agree, please pledge your support. If we fail through apathy, then we fail our whole. This television show could empower US, rather than its absence keep us following in the footsteps of the forgotten, like Oliver Twist in Charles Dickens' novel "Oliver Twist", where the wee lad asked for "some more" gruel in his imprisoned orphanage.
Given our collective plight to insist upon a larger slice of the pie while the cost of living surges up as our wages fail to even gain the first step upon the ladder of upward mobility, we're due any hand up we can find. Billy is offering us the respect we deserve.
If those of you who read this can, I beg you to pledge your $100 support to a worthy cause. It will likely result in not only the realization of Billy's dream, but also society's insistence that we ALL be respected by the transit agencies we work for. It's a win-win. Are you with me in my support of our brother's dream? Please join me.
Kick some ASS, Billy Alsheimer! I will join you.
With respect, I am
Deke N. Blue
YOUR transit blogger
Wow! That's a nice endorsement from a kind & generous, fellow author and transit worker! Thank you Deke!
ReplyDeleteMy writing partner & I are currently preparing a Indie Go Go (fund raising) page to film a "teaser reel" in order to pursue my dream of making my book into a dark comedy series based on my adventures as a public transit bus operator in Rhode Island. We in the transit business see a lot of things folks in other professions don't while we deal with the public on a daily basis.
Please check out: www.billyalsheimer.com for details about my book & www.markcoelho.com for info on my writing partner!
I believe in your dream, I believe in YOU, Billy! You GO, buddy!