My New Favorite Cuss Word

Several times each shift, I mutter under my breath or sometimes aloud, various cursing insults directed toward the public outside my bus. Motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, skaters, or those annoying "for hire" scooters or mini-bikes.

Usually, it's a "dumbass", "dipshit" or "idiot" which emerges from my tightly-knit lips as I recover from yet another potentially-disastrous maneuver I successfully avoid. The other day, a new blended insult escaped my mouth, quite by near accident.

"Dipshidiot," I said after predicting a speeding car on my left nearly rear-ending someone in his lane, just a car-length in front ahead of me, cut directly in front of my bus. He had to slam on his brakes to avoid another rear-end collision with the car three car-lengths ahead of me. Because I was scanning my mirror and recognized what was about to happen, I applied just enough brake pressure to smoothly stop and avoid turning said "dipshidiot's" car into a twisted piece of fatality.

I like it. This has become my new go-to insult. If you have other creative curses for those dipshidiots in your area, I'd love to hear them!


  1. I have to be careful not to offend anybody, even in the heat of the moment. So I usually call them a putz.

  2. Ha ha I can totally relate. Thanks so much for sharing your funny and refreshing stories that totally describe what I go through as a transit operator on a daily basis.

  3. I usually say, "oh cod fish trousers." It's what I would say when the kids were young, which means it been my go to for a while.

  4. "Freakin' shipdit" was my favorite safe cuss when I was with trimet. Still comes in handy driving school buses in Jersey. ;)

  5. I love that! Dipshidiot... haha! I've got nothing that creative! :)


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