This blog has always been written to describe the feelings during the life of ONE bus operator. If you read it, please post a comment. Whether HERE or on FaceBook, reader responses are what a writer lives for. Like it? Disagree? Your feedback is valuable.

Lately, the stats have been all over the globe. I'm not sure if they're from Virtual Private Networks, or whatever. However, the sheer numbers of "clicks" would warrant an equally-commensurate amount of reader comments. As they have not occurred as the stats predict, I worry that many of the clicks do not adequately-portray an accurate reflection of readers. If you read this blog, please "follow" it. Please respond in some way, whether via email (deaconinblue@gmail.com) or on FaceBook. I will personally reply to as many of you as I can.

What I'm trying to say is that I want to believe the volume of readers is accurate. However, in today's cyber-world, given the vast possibilities the internet has to offer, I worry the statistics are but a writer's dream unfounded in reality. Are YOU real? If so, please let me know. If the numbers are false reflections of a technological anomaly, a lack of response confirms this suspicion. If your name is Doug Kelsey, or Patrick Preusser or anyone else in my agency's management, your response is a welcome one. Converse with me. Argue. Dissent. Express an opinion. SAY something, rather than hide behind some flunky's "hit" on my musings.

Every writer's dream is to be read. My goal here is to open a dialogue with anyone who deals with transit. Operator, passenger, maintenance worker, road supervisor, station agent, trainer, middle or upper management... your comments are invaluable to me. But to write to relative silence is torture. I'm not here just to satisfy my desire to write. My goal is to inspire dialogue that improves the transit experience for us all.

Don't be a chicken. Tell me what you feel, even if anonymously. Otherwise, don't bother to "click" on my blog. It's annoying as hell.

Deke N. Blue
Transit Blogger

P.S. This is my 500th post as a transit blogger. Can you dig it?!?


  1. I read your blog regularly. Have tried unsuccessfully more than once to post comments. Wary about "following" anyone or anything though.

  2. I read it, I am real, I feel your feelings.
    New at this and wondering if I will make the cut as an operator, its harder than I thought.

    1. Hey... “you just drive a bus around all day.” Ha!

  3. "They say that cat Deacon is a baaad mutha...?"

    "Shut yo' mouth!"

    "But I'm talkin' about Deacon..."

  4. I wish I had time to do my own trimet blog (I'm a service worker less than 2 years in) because this place is a nightmare and an embarrassment and who to blame for that is not exactly a mystery. But I don't have the time and this blog is awesome.

    1. Man, that's so cool coming from a local co-worker! Thanks... please check out the book on Amazon... "JUST DRIVE - Life in the Bus Lane."

  5. Replies
    1. I'm so happy to read this! I appreciate you. Thanks!

  6. Hello, Deke. I just followed your blog but have been reading it on and off the past 18 months of my newish stint as an op. I identify with some of what you express, more so now than at first. Keep writing. I enjoy learning about your experiences even though I feel lucky that don't share too many of them.

    1. Hello! Thanks for reading! Perhaps as a newer op you would appreciate my book, "JUST DRIVE - Life in the Bus Lane." It is a compilation of blog posts from the beginning through 4.5 years of service, showing the progression of my journey as a transit operator. On Amazon, check it out!

  7. Read you, love you.

    1. Thanks! Love you too, dear reader. Appreciate the comment!

  8. I'm a newer reader, but actually discovered your blog after reading your book. And I got your book because a transit operator friend of mine here bought it and made mention of it on his Facebook page, so I jumped in and purchased it as well. Keep up the great writing on your experiences and thoughts!

    1. SO VERY COOL, Silverliner II!!! I'm thrilled you read my book, and hope you pass the word along. I've been a "writer who drives a bus for a living" for several years now, and I have a great love for those who read my humble words. I appreciate your support, and hope to meet you someday. I promise to keep writing as long as this muse holds me. Peace be with you and yours!

  9. Yes, I read it. Some I love more than others but can relate to all. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in such an interesting way.

    1. Jean S, I truly appreciate your comment and readership. It's true my words are sometimes hard to reconcile, but my thoughts and love are always with those with whom I serve. It's impossible to speak for everyone with whom I share this occupation, but I strive to echo the thoughts of many as I roll on or off the keyboard. It is YOU I celebrate, no matter whether you agree. Keep all 6 on the road, and I pray safety follows you.

  10. Been reading since the start.
    So proud to have been quoted in your book. "Troglodyte party"��


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