FTDS is read around the world, which is very gratifying. But now I see VPN's account for the largest amount of hits, even more than the good ol' USA, Canada and others which recently made up my biggest audience. I know enough to realize people anywhere are bouncing off of servers all over the place, making their origin impossible to track. As an artist, this is both mystifying and gratifying. While these readers are very welcome, I don't know where you are. Are you actually reading my blog, or is there some sort of payback you receive from bouncing off my blog? Confess, you anonymous hitters, I'm curious!
I've seen my hits bounce up drastically from 50-200 on a non-posting "quiet" day to 500-1000. The artist in me wants to think my words are having an impact on a larger audience, while the realist in me wonders what's really happening here.

Either way, thanks for reading. If you've read anything here at all, you know I'm white noise on the internet when it comes to transit. I try to keep you informed of one thing: what I'm thinking as I drive a bus for a metropolitan transit agency. That's why I'm here, period. If you think I'm doing okay, enjoy my self-therapy, or even wish I'd branch out (which I'm working on), please let me know. Artists need feedback to grow, positive or critical. I'm a big boy... and I can take it.
What say you, Virtual Readers?!? Don't be shy.
Respectfully and with gratitude, I am
Deke N. Blue
Do branch out. let us know what you think you seem to be very upfront about what you think. I know you should probably protect yourself from management . But interested in what you really do you think?