Wherefore Art Thou?

Very few comments on this blog any more, here. What gives, oh readers of Deke's posts?

When you say something, I read it, and usually I respond. So what gives, y'all?

I see hits from Canada, and I hear YOU. Rarely any words from my own country. And what about those of you from beyond? Ireland? Spain? The United Kingdom? Russia? You tease me with your presence, but you remain silent. SPEAK!

Damnit, please.


  1. My man Deke! I look forward to reading your posts and feel your pain! I too wrote a book about my adventures and life as a public transit bus driver. I'm sure it's just that people are busy with their lives to appreciate your thoughts about dealing with the public and jaded management! Keep em coming brother!

  2. Even when you ask, silence? Well I for one appreciate what you are doing, and one can only assume the silent masses do too, but are too [shy / busy / apathetic ], or like me, just don't think we have anything worthwhile to say.

    Ed P from Victoria BC

  3. On vacation in Hawaii. Canadian though.


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