Deke's Note: In this post, we're introduced to John Wold, an ATU 757 brother from Lift, the para transit arm of our agency. He's campaigning to become Vice President of our local.
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John Wold ATU 757 Vice President Candidate |
My Name is John Wold, and I am a TriMet Lift Operator for
First Transit. First Transit is a contractor that operates the para transit
services for TriMet. I am running for the office of Vice President.
I offer a unique background of labor experience spanning
more than 30 years both as a union member (Sheet Metal Workers and OEA, the
school teachers’ union), and as Labor Relations Manager. As the chief
negotiator for management, I have negotiated hundreds of labor agreements and
settled hundreds more grievances. Because of this, I understand what management
is thinking and why, and what concerns labor.
All the agreements I have negotiated were opened well prior
to their expiration, and all but a handful were completed before they expired.
I have a keen appreciation for the collective bargaining
process and how it can benefit both sides. For example, as a manager, I happily
discovered that most grievances and complaints have a legitimate basis that
simply never occurred to the manager involved. When management “lost” the
grievance, they didn’t really lose, because it most often resulted better
communication and harmony between management and labor. We learned that the
best source of information in problem solving came from those closest to the
problem. Namely, the worker. We were able to establish labor/management
teams that brought about significant process improvements.
I want to be able to help similar things happen with all
of ATU 757 agreements. As an operator, and your representative I believe
I will be better able to help management understand our side of the story
because, as a former manager, I also know their thinking.
2) What do you believe to be the membership’s main concerns
(from your office’s perspective) moving forward through 2020? How would you
work toward improving these areas?
I have talked with members from many of the properties
represented by ATU 757. Many have concerns about:
• the lack of communication, transparency, and
responsiveness from our Union;
• safety from assaults on our operators;
• uncertainty about SIPs (Service Improvement Program)
affecting their job security;
• the future of healthcare insurance and its financial
impact on them;
• the economic impact on retirees;
• There are a number of other worries, also.
The top three officers need to regularly visit all the
properties for face-to-face conversations. When we confirm that we understand
your concerns, we can work to resolve them. We need to follow up directly
and through other means such as social media.
We need to establish better communication between management
and ATU 757. We will work to establish Labor/management committees. These
have been proven effective to open and communicate the real concerns and
dilemmas of our active members and retirees and to develop creative solutions
that work for both sides.
3) Assaults are on the rise every year. Do you believe operator barriers are the answer? What are the pros and cons of the barriers? What else could be done to stop this escalating problem?
Initially, operator barriers can minimize the immediate
risks. It also might limit positive connection to passengers, but the
safety and security of the operator cannot be overlooked.
It is a partial solution. More visible security and
enforcement presence will be needed both at known “hot spots” and regularly throughout
the system. Once more, labor/management teams can unveil opportunities to
stem the escalation of these occurrences.
4) Since we cannot strike, how can we ensure that our union
membership concerns will be taken seriously by management? Do you have any
creative strategies to ensure constructive dialog and positive actions?
Strikes are not an option for TriMet and other essential
services organizations, but even if they were, strikes are not without their
own pitfalls. Nevertheless, many other agencies are able to effectively
negotiate in spite of it. We need to understand their strategies and
adapt them to our circumstances. Open communication with elected
government offices, the media, and the public will help make our issues known
and addressed.
5) The local media message is controlled by management. How
do you propose to engage the media and help the public understand the issues we
In my experience, management only controls the media message
when labor fails to actively pursue its position. I have always found the
media ready to hear what we have to say if we are ready to say it. Being silent
is not an option.
6) Social media is a very active and volatile tool within
our membership. How will you use it to communicate with US?
Social media is an excellent way to open communication
rapidly across a broad front, especially keeping us all informed on the
important issues like contract negotiations. It is also important for the
information and concerns to flow both directions. Accordingly, I will set
up a Vice President’s page to provide direct access to me for all members.
That being said, sitting down face-to-face with people to more
fully understand their concerns cannot be replaced electronically. So much
communication is non-verbal and cannot be transmitted online.
7) Members are upset with the arbitration process and how
the union communicates decisions to the membership. Is this process broken? If
so, please state your ideas on how to improve arbitration procedures.
I will use the Vice President’s page mentioned above to
communicate arbitration results that would not violate the privacy of the
member. With arbitrations, we lose some control of the situation.
Therefore, I would rather not go to arbitration unless we are pretty sure we
would win.
That said, every member is entitled to a vigorous
representation, and you will get it with me.
8) What’s your favorite union movie, and why?
“Norma Rae” starring Sally Fields. The film was
inspired by the real-life story of Crystal Lee Sutton who was fired by her
employer when she tried to form a bargaining unit where she worked. She was
successful with that and went on to become a successful and tough union
organizer. Ironically, she died in 2009 at 68 of brain cancer after a
protracted fight with her health insurance provider.
9) How do we get more members involved, attending meetings
and adding to the overall discussion?
Once again, communication is essential. We will provide
advance notice of the agenda for the meetings that include the items that are
of general concern to members. Transparency about the union business
including financials will encourage the involvement of more members. Perhaps some meetings can be conducted nearer the venue where the concerns
originate. We will need the input from members to fully understand and address
their issues.
10) I’ve only asked questions on a few points. Please let us
know what other issues you believe are vital as we move forward.
We also need to continue pressing our legislators and
Congress to deal with the spiraling cost of medical care. Until we
nationally get a handle on that, insurance rates will continue their obscene
inflation to levels you would not believe, today.
Deke! what are the issues going on at ATU other Locations. How many c-Tran drivers were assaulted last year. how many in Corvallis? YOU should be also be asking about none Tri-met related questions!