Of course, I wanted to use this wonderful forum to publicize the book, but also to inform listeners that bus operators are professionals charged with keeping everyone in and around our bus, safe. Hopefully, our 20-minute chat helped dispel some myths and opened some eyes.
Sorry, Washington drivers, I picked on you a bit, along with bicyclists. But I tried to be fair, or at least explain what I meant. The book isn't all about people doing the wrong thing. It has plenty of human interest stories within too. While I may have made some blunders, it's easy afterward to pick apart what I did wrong, because I'm my own worst critic.
When you're live on the air, it's impossible to know what they're going to ask, and I thought Dave did a great job guiding me through the show. It was fun, and I tried to be thoughtful and entertaining. Sitting across the desk from Dave, the interview started off at a leisurely pace, then it picked up some steam as he shot several questions across the table. I tried to keep up and provide good answers, be fair yet informative, and explain what it's like, From the Driver Side. It's truly being "on the spot," and my mind is best behind a keyboard rather than in front of an unforgiving microphone. I couldn't find the "delete" key, try as I may.
In retrospect, it was a fascinating and fun experience. The staff at OPB was very helpful, and I'm happy they interviewed me as Deke rather than... well, you know... the other guy that I am. My manufactured dual personality allowed me to introduce Deke to the public, and I'm truly grateful. Anything "wrong" about it was my own doing. Dave's questions were poignant and inspired. I've been a big fan of this show for years, and was honored to be their guest.
Not having my own publicist, I've had to learn on the fly. Yeah, I want you to buy my book. However, the main goal of my writing is to inform a public that mostly depends on what it hears or sees on local media. Now I've given them a taste in that forum, and hopefully it leads to more.
At the end of my segment, I was amused at their choice of music to fade out with. It was "Deacon Blue," by Steely Dan. Hmm... great choice!
Thanks for listening folks,
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