When you self-publish, you do a lot more of the work involved in production than you would if you're say, Stephen King. But hey... I'm not in his league by any means. He writes a book, sends it to his editor, makes changes and off to the publisher it goes. No constant checking, agonizing over details. Hopefully the next time I publish the book someone else will handle the myriad of details that are about to make me pull out the few hairs I have left.
Today, I uploaded the book cover and interior body to Amazon, thinking it would all be great. Not so fast, Dekey Pooh. The previewer showed a frog's hair variance in what I sent versus their guidelines. In frustration, I nearly threw my computer through the window. Luckily, my cooler side prevailed. Now I'm taking a break from it. The perfectionist in me won't allow anything but a professional product to be delivered into your hands. My designer isn't happy with Amazon either. Maybe we'll join forces and take over the company, if only to make it less painful to soldier through their laborious processes.
The moment when, in a huge sigh of relief and accomplishment, I finally hold the finished product in my hands. Until then, dear readers, keep all fingers, toes and eyes crossed for me. I'm a stubborn so-and-so, and will get it done. But a few prayers and karmic positivity directed my way would be truly appreciated.
You can do it !!! The first time is always the hardest .You got this.Fingers crossed ........