
Since its humble beginnings nearly a year ago, this blog has had 6,600 hits! Woo hoo! I'm hoping to see the 10,000 mark by this summer, but I need your help. Another blogger I know has had about a million, so this is but a plebe compared to his worthy efforts.

Please share this with anybody you know who might be interested in reading the antics of a bus operator. I work hard to keep it politics-free, and my sole purpose is to describe what we go through out there... From The Driver Side.

Thank you for your readership and support!


  1. Deacon,

    You're doing one fine job with this blog. As I've noted in past "episodes", you do a great job informing the reader of the life ofa bus driver ewhile not making it mundane...even quite enjoyable.

    You keep writing as you are and you'll make that 10,000 mark soon. Many of your posts sort of remind me of a former blogger that did one called "Trimettiquette". He did a blog about the right way to ride TriMet to make it where everyone could coexist, explained the occaisional policy and explained why some things are the way they are. He did a great job but had to stop because it consumed too much of his time among other things.

    Maybe that's a thought...if you run into a writer's block kinda day but need ideas, maybe you could explain why bus drivers do things certain ways. Why we pull out before you sit down...why buses dwell st certain places to hold for time...why your on your bus and suddenly your driver darts into Plaid Pantry. Just thoughts. Obviously your blog.

    Regardless, you're doing a fine job. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you. I have had similar ideas, and I'm thinking of writing them in a forthcoming post!

  2. I remember the Trimettquette blog, it was pretty popular too.
    Blogging is a labor of love tho, you don't do it to make money. I think they were trying to get sponserships

    1. While I love plugs, Al, this particular effort is a labor of love indeed. No sponsorships necessary here. How long ago was that blog active?

    2. That was REALLY A LONG TIME AGO, it was started even before my blog started. Only last about 2 years tho!

  3. Geez, I want to say 3-3.5 years ago was the last it was active. I can't say for sure because the last email I have from him was late 2011. He took the blog down so I can't check that way either.


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